Protyre Ashford (Victoria Road)

01233 625962
Protyre Ashford (Victoria Road)
Unit 1-2 Chunnel Estate
Victoria Road
TN23 7HJ

Fast fit centre / Independent garage
- Brakes
- Exhausts
- Tyres
- Nearby shops
- Comfortable waiting area
All makes welcome
- Free winter safety check of tyres, fluids, lights, battery and wipers.
- Ask us for van, 4x4 and winter tyres - plus professional wheel alignment of course.


- Michelin Certified Centre
This business has signed the FOXY Lady Approved Promise
"To never overcharge, patronise or sell
women anything they don't need"
Female Feedback
Submitted: 24 January 2015
Date of Visit: 01/15. Feedback from: Philippa Weaver.
Comments: Very friendly and helpful. Explained everything in a non patronising way. Room to sit with TV etc while work being done on car.
Cleanliness | Female-Friendly | Quality | Value | Welcome |
**** | ***** | ***** | **** | ***** |
Submitted: 21 December 2014
Date of Visit: December 2014. Feedback from: Sharon Ritchie.
Comments: I was very happy with the way things were explained to be and shown the reason for the repairs.
Cleanliness | Female-Friendly | Quality | Value | Welcome |
***** | ***** | ***** | ***** | ***** |